Fudge Brownie Chunks

Beauty vs. Ugliness, Perfection vs. Imperfection; these are common axes of thought. Perhaps another to consider is Uniformity vs. Variety. These do not all line up nicely with each other.

An unapologetic brown double-nut, with a chunk missing from the left side, exposing the nut.
An unapologetic brown double-nut, with a chunk missing from the left side, exposing the nut. The other side, with a grainy seam and a fracture on the left.
A simple plain brown, with a smooth outlined patch of missing shell.

Uniformity/smoothness/symmetry/perfection are often taken to imply beauty, but there is also beauty to be found in variety, irregularity, and in imperfection.

A big brown nutter, with a nub poking off to one side.

I often find myself rooting for the monsters and the enemies in movies, video games, etc. They're typically so much more interesting than bland heroes.

A two-thirds-moon squished plain brown, with some indents.

I also like nuts and chewy things in my ice cream. Plain vanilla seems like a waste.

Either an extra-small candy, or an extra-large 'm', also there are some faded divot spots, and a dent on the left.

May you live in interesting times, but in a good way.