I have something to share with you. It may seem a little nutty …
To some extent, everyone is an individual, and has developed their own internal language within their mind. They use this inner language (which need not be based on words) to make sense of themselves and the world. How, then, do they communicate inner concepts to others?
Groups of people develop conventions — idioms, specific language — but when trying to communicate outside of those conventions, it remains difficult.
Even if you think you've done it, how can you be confident it was received correctly? Misinterpretation is easy, even huge misinterpretation. Your efforts may receive enthusiastic nods of approval, and you get the impression that everyone is on your wavelength, then they follow you with "… and that's why X!", where X is the opposite of what you were trying to say.
Further, you yourself may not fully understand what you are trying to say. Just because something exists in your mind and you have an urge to communicate it does not mean you understand it. Even using the word "you" to describe your mind is simplistic. A mind is not the single, coherent entity we sometimes imagine, so trying to communicate from one of them to another is fraught with difficulty.
An artistic process can fill the gap — attempt communication by any means necessary. It may be messier and less precise than using established language, but can sometimes achieve what would otherwise be impossible.
When you have a novel concept to communicate, should you invent new language? Use existing tools in some new combination? It is useful to consider what has resisted easy expression with existing methods. Probably such concepts have been passed over by many minds — those which do not bother trying to say what they don't already know how to say.
Perhaps one day I will look back on this site and have a better idea of what it was for. But that need not stop us in the meantime.