Blending In

The blade of grass that grows tallest is the first to be cut down.
The nail that sticks out furthest is the first to be hammered in.
The squeaky wheel gets the oil.

If you stand out, you receive attention. If you receive attention, you are changed by it. Others change you.

A little red one with the "m" off-center, and a hint of something below.
A little red one with the "m" off-center, and a hint of something below. The underside, with some large flakes of shell chipped off, revealing an irregular pale coating below, not unlike frost crystals on a window.

If you want to find out who you are, by yourself and on your own, it helps to blend in and go unnoticed. This is not to say that you need to do it, or that it's better. Many go through life without developing a strong sense of self or inner life.

A small red one with a tiny hole, almost as if it's saying "ooo."


It's perfectly valid to be someone who is largely a product of their surroundings — we all are, to some extent, after all. But some more than others.

A hefty yellow one, with a "V" of cracks and one dark rubbed-off spot on the end closest to us.

Not this way by choice.

If you go unnoticed by others, you have some mental space to develop yourself. If you are constantly showered with attention, your self may be diluted by the deluge.

A deformed yellow one, but with almost no shell. However, the "m" is on the chocolate. There is also a ghostly pale yellow swirl along the side closest to us.

Who am I, minus the shell?

Some don't spend much time looking into mirrors. They probably don't present themselves as well as they could. They maintain a certain amount of ignorance. But are there advantages, too?

A big green double nut, with some thin but prominent cracks, and a dark rubbed-off spot on the left side.

Do I have something on my face? No, just kidding — I don't want to know.

If you are primarily one sort, perhaps try being the other. Don't limit yourself to what is comfortable, familiar, or easy. Be vast.